Nuovi scatti dal set di Deadpool 2. Josh Brolin, interprete di Cable, ha incontrato il creatore del suo personaggio, Rob Liefeld.

In una foto postata dal fumettista su Instagram assistiamo al momento dell’incontro tra i due.


CABLE!! Say what?? I’m going to actually meet him in the flesh and blood(and steel coils)?? And, oh, by the way, he’s one of your favorite and one of the most talented actors of all space and time! Yeah, I dare you to try and meet one of your own creations and not get umpteen butterflies in your stomach. I don’t remember anything that was said here besides me thinking “I’m meeting CABLE!! HOW AWESOME IS THIS?!?!” Mr. Josh Brolin could not be more perfect in this role. He is amazing and outstanding and you will no doubt be as giddy as I was when watching him portray Cable. His commitment to becoming Cable goes beyond his physical transformation, he found the voice that fans will go crazy about! Ryan as Deadpool and Josh as Cable. Look out World this is going to be nuts! #cable #xforce #deadpool #robliefeld #marvel #20thcenturyfox

Un post condiviso da RobertLiefeld (@robliefeld) in data:

Josh Brolin si unisce così a Deadpool, interpretato da Ryan Reynolds, nella seconda pellicola dedicata al Mercenario chiacchierone. Accanto a loro ci sarà anche Domino, interpretata da Zazie Beetz.

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